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Transportation consumes energy, it’s inevitable.  The question is how much?


Transportation consumes energy, it’s inevitable. 


How much of it though, makes all the difference. 


Every wasted second in transit translates to pollution, terminal loss of resources and reduction in quality of life, having a devastating effect on climate change. 


We can't let this happen, it's beyond everything.


We should change this equation dramatically, and not a minute too soon. Hope can actually make this change happen.

Hope is the only transportation system that can transport any number of people, from every location to any location, without any delays.


This translates to saving all those lost seconds, adding up to so much un wasted energy.


To add up, Hope uses a hybrid propulsion system. it uses solar energy when possible, and electrical energy to complement it. This translates to Zero carbon footprint in the city, and a significant reduction in overall energy consumption.


Hope uses a fragment of the time, energy and materials needed to build a traditional transportation system. It needs much less maintenance, it is quiet, and it’s infrastructure is very slim. 


Hope has the lowest mass transportation footprint possible.


Hope takes city pollution out of the equation, and it doesn't ask for anything in return, it’s just built this way. Safe, cost effective and absolutely efficient.


Traditional transportation systems force the city to expand and limit the possibility of building upwards. Such expansion has a devastating effect on climate. 


With Hope, things are different as it doesn’t need more space in order to transport more people. We can build up as much as we need and take limiting transportation requirements out of the equation. 


We have so much to worry about climate wise, Hope will help clear the skies over our heads, literally.

Hope takes city pollution out of the equation, and it doesn't ask for anything in return, it’s just built this way. Safe, cost effective and absolutely efficient.
We have so much to worry about climate wise, Hope will help clear the skies over our heads, literally. 

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