Traditional transportation systems are a challenge to life, health and city security. It’s time to change all that.

Transportation is a risky business, in far too many ways.
3700 people lose their lives, every day, in car accidents. 50 million are injured annually. Crowded carts, stations and tunnels are a magnet for crime and terrorist attacks. They accelerate the spread of deadly viruses too.
Traditional transportation systems are a challenge to life, health and city security. It’s time for a change.
Preserving life is our first and foremost goal, but on a secondary scale, the financial toll of defending ourselves against dangers and rectifying damages is overwhelming. If defense fails, the cost can't even be quantified.
We go to work, school, or just run errands, we expect to come home in one piece. We don’t want to crash or get run over, we don't want to catch Covid 19 in a packed station or get hit by a bomb in a tunnel.
Hope is just that.
Hope doesn't share space with any other transportation method. There are no pedestrians jumping into the road, no lorry driver falling asleep. It's absolutely crash free, totally safe.
With hope, there are no stations. You board and get off where and when you decide. The cart is personal or for a pair, at your own choice. No stations mean no unfamiliar people entering your car, you are perfectly protected against any form of crime or terrorism, or a virus.
And it gets even better.
Not only are we safe from accidents, crime and terrorists attack, Hope takes city security and national security to new levels.
Modern cities prevent crime by installing as many surveillance cameras as possible, analyzing the data they produce. This makes our cities safer but has many limitations.
Not when we have Hope.
Criminals and terrorists need to move constantly. They need to meet, plan, hide and cover their tracks. A city with a mass transportation system is ideal as they can blend in the crowd, change direction, and go unnoticed. Only pinpoint surveillance can sometimes uncover their movements.
When you have a personalized system though , it’s the complete opposite. Criminals too need to order a ride, a dropoff, and a change of route. They form a net of movements, activities and connections. it’s all visible, they can’t hide in the shadows or blend in a crowd.
When Hope is the primary transportation system in a city, you get top levels of security. It’s as good as it gets.
Hope produces crime related data in an unprecedented quality and quantity. This is top security data with minimal human effort.
A safe and secure city is a thriving city. Safety and security are the cornerstone for prosperity. Hope makes this possible like never before, it's incorporated in its design and method of operation.
We pay billions to guard and defend transportation systems, designed 150 years ago, against threats and rectify harms inflicted. These systems were thought of in an era of different needs, density and threats. Their design is simply too old, simply too dangerous.
Hope is designed for 21st century needs. with Hope safety and security are inherent, absolute. Without extra funding, it's basically free.
That's the level of security and safety we want in a 21st century city, we deserve it.
We don’t want to fund trying to defend against dangers, we want a transportation system that is just safe and secure to start with.
Hope is just that.